Monday, January 27, 2020

The Impact Of American Revolution In USA History Essay

The Impact Of American Revolution In USA History Essay The Impact the American Revolution had on the shaping of the United States concepts of freedom, justice and liberty for all. The American Revolution War stilffed the new republic desire for justice, equality and freedom. The peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. There were various preliminary acts that dealt with the beginning of the American Revolutionary War. Some of the many causes of the American Revolutionary War between the years of 1775 1783 came as results of people growing angry about taxes and many laws in which the people thought were unfair for them. Like most Americans, they chose several ways of fighting back to gain their independence. Some individuals protested by joining groups that were already formed while others used written methods to achieve the same outcome. Either approach chosen inspired those in leadership positions to create their own country. There were more than two million people living in the 13 British colonies during the mid-1700s. Some were naturally born individuals in the New World others moved and a place to call home. Many of the immigrants left England to come to America. They traveled from England, Holland, Scotland, Germany and Ireland. Some of the countries had fought in war and had on going problems which existed for many years found them working to build neighborhoods and families together. For some it meant learning new skills and occupations. Great Britain ruled many of the colonies therefore; the people considered themselves British citizens. They were protected by the British army and became loyal to the Britains king. However, they were bound by the customs and the laws of England. Great Britain and France went to war in the 1750s, at the end of the war it would be determined which country would be in control. The war was called the Indian and French War because some many Indians were fighting for France. The war was won by Britain and it controlled the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Georgia to Maine, making it a safer place for those who settled in Britain. This new territory left many settlers angry because the new king wanted to restrict their movement to the west. The cost of the French and Indian War was very costly for Britain, therefore, the government passed a special tax to help with the cost but the tax was only for the American colonists. This became known as the Stamp Act. This act required Americans to buy a special stamp to put on any and all printed paper, such as marriage licenses, newspapers and the like. The colonists became angry with this ruling and felt that if people in England were not required to pay a tax neither should they. The colonists decided they were not going to pay the tax. One of the tactics used to support their decision was to scare off the stamp sellers. Once the act received support no one was available to collect the funds. The people in the colonies had no representatives in Parliament. This meant they never got to vote on any Britains law. They decided they did not want to pay taxes unless they had a say. The colonists took a stand on their belief on the Stamp Act so the Parliament repealed the act. A new set of taxes were passed. Theses taxes were called the Townsend Acts. Theses laws taxed paper, paint, glass, tea and lead. As a result of this act, continued anger for the people in America escalated. The colonists decided to boycott the British goods. The boycott was successful and the government repeals the taxes. Great Britain became angry with the boycott and sent 4,000 soldiers to Boston. The colonists were out numbered three to one. Innocent people were killed. When the repeal on the Townshend Acts was made, the Parliament decided to keep the tax on tea. The Parliament passed what was called the Tea Act. Only certain shop owners were allowed to import and sell tea. This was to prevent Britain from having so much control over their economy. Samuel Adams, a member of the Sons of Liberty encouraged many protests. The Boston Tea Party was formed when a group of men went on ships and poured 342 chests of tea in the harbor. Following the Boston Tea Party, King George III and his form of government pass several harsh laws that affected the colonists. They called this the Intolerable Acts. These measures closed the Boston Harbor resulting in no fishing of use of the ocean for the purpose trading. Many citizens were then forced out of work, and gave the British soldiers the chance to take over the property of the colonists. More and more people grew angrier and built a stronger desire to fight for the chance to be free from all the rules and laws. By 1774 people in the colonies developed courage and wanted to increase their efforts to the next level. This allowed colonies from many areas to communicate and share their ideas and thoughts about problems they were experiencing with Great Britain. This group was referred to as the First Continental Congress. This meeting was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which was halfway between the southern colonies and New England. Their combined efforts created a message to King George stating their colonists complaints in which it was stated the king refused to read. This document was referred to as the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. The delegates attending this session instructed the leaders of the colonies to begin forming militias for the battle that they were preparing to enter. Small armies were organized which angered the British soldiers. On April 19, 1775 the British soldiers marched to Lexington, Massachusetts. The colonial militia group waited for the British. It is not known who fired the first shot, thus the battles began. Being outnumbered, the colonists had to regroup. They wanted to break away from England, but fighting to form a new country was even more challenging. From these actions, a Second Continental Congress was held. It was decided to combine the small armies into a large Continental Army. The colonies had many concerns, Could they defeat the powerful Great Britain? Could they really choose their own leaders? Could they win, and what would they do without a king to tell them how to live? Thomas Paine the author of Common Sense pamphlet gave some advice that help the colonists realize the best thing for them to do was to break bonds with England. So in July 1776, the Continental Congress sent the Declaration of Independence to King George. What this meant was they were no longer colonists, nor British citizens, but Americans. a) There were various preliminary acts that dealt with beginning of the American Revolutionary War. The main cause of the American Revolution was the Royal Proclamation of 1763. After the French and Indian war was over many opportunities arose for the colonist such as moving to the western frontier. With the proclamation in effect,   all the territory west and northwest of the river were not accessible to them not including the all the territory from Ohio to Mississippi rivers. It also established four new colonies Quebec, East Florida, West Florida, and Grenada, but it was mostly directed towards Indian territories. The King and the Indians agreed that they were not in favor of the settlers issues. Parliament was aware of the Indians association with the colonist, and they recognized that they would not have any values towards boundaries. The border extended from the Atlantic all the way to the new border. The British claimed that these posts were for colonial defense and the colo nies should pay for it themselves. Another reason for the American Revolution is the war between the Great Britain and France know as the French and Indian war. Great Britain used most of the money on the war which caused them to go into debt, to earn their money back they forced taxes on their colonies. The Sugar Act was approved by the English Parliament in 1764, to cover the debt brought on by the war. The money was used to pay for the operating cost of running colonies and territories. It also, increased the taxes on other imported items such as sugar textiles, coffee, and wines. After the colonist expressed their concerns towards the Stamp Act, it was finally repealed. This lead to other taxes such as the Quartering Act of 1765, Stamp Act 1765, Townsend Act 1767, and Boston Tea Party 1773, and the Intolerable Act 1774.   In 1765 the Quartering Act was approved and this tax obligated the colonist to inhabit their homes for the British soldiers. Having to occupy their homes to an unfamiliar person made the colonists enraged. The following close contact with British soldiers did not produce good feelings between the sides from Britain. The government was now controlled by Charles Townsend. His main focus was support the British Parliament. Since he was the Parliaments leader he made a great impact to influence them to pass the laws for the new taxes. The requirement for the Stamp Act of 1765 was to obtain stamps so they could purchase a great deal of items. The most well known item that the stamps were required for was tea. The Stamp Act taxes varied from different things. The money was used to was assist in paying to guard the colonies. All the disputes the colonies had against the Stamp Act later calmed down when the Tea Act was approved. This act contracted domination on importing and exporting tea in America. December 16th was the day that numerous people in the Boston and surrounding areas decided to hear Samuel Adams speak. After he criticized the Governor for denying the ships consent to leave with tea on board, they headed out to the harbor. Three Ships were boarded and docked, and then about 90,000 pounds of tea were thrown overboard. Parliament issued out an agreement on a chain of acts called the Intolerable Acts. As the Intolerable acts were agreed upon the docks were closed, until the tea establishment was reimbursed for all the tea that was lost. Taxation without representation in parliament was another concern that started the war. The entire colonist felt that the Britain could not control colonies from the Atlantic Ocean. The majority of the people did not want to pay taxes on their cargo that was being imported and exported daily. b) The Declaration of Independence is a vital document in history. It is one of the most widely read documents of modern history. The ideas that were formed were based on successful and unsuccessful independence movements and revolutions even after the war ended. This decree made a distinct statement in reference to the peoples rights who lived in independent states. This document declared the people to be independent and free. The foundation of the Declaration of Independence, self-determination of rule, is expressed in the documents phrase, governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. The authors of the document felt it was necessary to secure ones God given or natural rights. The day of July 2, 1776, the affiliates of the Second Continental Congress voted for the colonist freedom. It proclaimed that the thirteen American colonies that were currently at war were no longer up under Britains rules. A second vote was held by the del egates and the Declaration of Independence was approved. As this document was signed on July 4, 1776, this day came to be known as the birth of America. A vast change was made in the government because of this decree and the democratic government came to be. Thomas Jefferson declared, that governments were created to serve the people, and could only act with consent of the people. The declaration consists of numerous parts, but only two parts are essential that is the preamble and the independence of America. The preamble depicts the rights of the people and it states, that all men are created equal and have the God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The second essential parts of the decree proclaim independence for the American colonist and list all the issues that the colonist had against the British. c) African Americans whether free or slaves participated in several conflicts between the English colonies and their rivals in North America. They had favorable attitudes and served with honor, bravery and distinction in the Indian and French War, the American Revolution War along with the War of 1812 just to mention a few with limited circumstances. There were some laws that excluded African-American along with Indians from military service. There were some early colonial laws and some national laws that were in place that forbid the services of African-Americans during times of conflict and war. However, at times it didnt matter what their status were, their physical strength were utilized. The American Revolutions was more than war it was a fight for liberty and freedom from slavery. Benjamin Quarles understood the role of the minorities in the American Revolution, he presented as realizing that loyalty was not to a place or a people, but to a principle. In spite of where the loyalties of minorities lay, their contribution to the United States was often overlooked. During the American Revolutionary War, minorities fought for both entities in the war while working together to fight against inequality. During the Civil War the Emancipation Proclamation was established by President Abraham Lincoln, this decree contains two executive orders. On September 22, 1862 the first order was released and it basically stated if the Civil War did not end then the all slaves would be making its way into the Western territories. If the succeeded states dont come back before January 1st then the slaves would be free. On January 1, 1863 the second order was released and specified the states where slaves were declared free.  They had to fight for their freedom. He informed them if they came back to the union the slaves would have their freedom. The Emancipation Proclamation was the African-American Declaration of Independence. It did for a few what the Declaration of Independence did for a nation. It instilled a sense of hope and taste for freedom and equality. The idea of a people securing their natural, or God-given, rights by choosing their own form of government is an idea that was never expressed before the writing of the Declaration of Independence.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The search for self in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye :: essays research papers

Search for self in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone wants to know who they are, and why they were put here. People often wonder about their futures and what kind of person they really are. In the novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye, both of the protagonists, despite the different settings, the other characters, their restrictions and the different people that they are, are searching for the same thing - themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a timeless tale of a young boy who escapes his society that keeps trying to â€Å"sivilise† him and retreats down the Mississippi river with a runaway slave. On his journey he meets many different kinds of people on the banks of the river, some bad and some good, they all help Huck on his journey to self discovery. Catcher in the Rye is a story of a young boy named Holden who leaves his prep school in New York and ventures alone into the city. On his journey he meets a number of people. Holden is quite cynical and he denigrates nearly everyone he meets.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Set in pre-civil war America, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place along the Mississippi river. As Huckleberry travels along it he learns lessons about life, society and most importantly; himself. Surrounded by a world of prejudice and racism, Huck is forced to learn to make decisions on his own. He is able to learn from the imperfections in the rest of the world as he views them. While on the river, Huck and Jim are at peace. The river symbolizes freedom for both Jim and Huck. The river is Jim’s path to freedom from slavery, and it is Huck’s freedom from society. When Jim and Huck journey onto the banks of the river they see the inhumanity to man that goes on in the world. This juxtaposition of the river and the land help emphasize the peacefulness of the river in comparison to the crazy society on land. Huck learns to think for himself, and tries not to conform to the ways of the people on the land. Although the world that he lives in teaches him to be a racist, his journey down the river teaches him to use his own mind, and find out what he really believes in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York city is the setting for this more contemporary novel, yet it has many similarities to the older, more timeless Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

It Is Better to Have Tried and Failed Than to Have Never Tried Essay

The saying â€Å"actions speak louder than words† can be applied to this scenario. Many people often dare to dream but fear stops them from ever moving forward on their goals. The fear of failure, of not knowing if it is possible to accomplish what may seem like the most unrealistic dream a person sets out to achieve. One example we can learn from is one of the greatest swimmer the world has seen, Ian Thorpe. Four time Swimming World’s Swimmer of the Year, Ian Thorpe once said, â€Å"I think it’s better to attempt something and fail than it is to not even attempt it, so I’m glad that I’ve been prepared to put myself on the line there. Till today, these words continue to ring in my head as I finally realised that it’s better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all. Ian Thrope, born on the 13 October in 1982, is many times a World Champion and has won eleven World Championship golds, the third-highest number of any swimmer. He was also the Australian swimmer of the year from 1999 to 2003, 4 years running. After winning and earning so many prestigious awards, Ian Thorpe announced his retirement on 21 November 2006. After almost 5 years out of the swimming world, the swimming sensation decided that he would try to qualify for the 2012 Olympics in London. However, no matter how much he tried and the 110% he gave, he did not make it to the 2012 Olympics. Despite his many failures, he still remains as an international inspiration to many, teaching us that it is definitely better to tried and failed than not to have tried at all. Ian Thorpe’s story teaches us that even though we have the most unrealistic goals in life, it is more important to go down fighting, not leaving behind any last regrets. Failure is indeed our best teacher. Being able to go through failure would not kill a person, in fact, it would only make someone stronger. Even when failure sets in, it is good to know that one has given it their all. Even if it doesn’t work out as planned, it is better than looking back and not knowing what one could have done. Speaking from personal experience, failure is the mother of success, and without overcoming the challenge posed to me, I would not make it a step further. For example, ever since I stepped on the podium in the primary school swimming nationals, I have always wanted to have the chance to do it again in the secondary school, scoring more points for my school. This year was the last year the school nationals where I could have a chance on stepping on the podium once again and I made use of the opportunity I was given. I started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at 5 in the morning and back again after school at 4 in the afternoon for strength as well as water training. The number of times I would turn up could go up to ten times a week. This arduous task went on for four to five months and in between, I still had to make sure that I was keeping up with school curriculum. At the recent national schools, I competed and instead was placed 5th, missing the podium by a whopping one second. Although I failed to reach the goal I set out to achieve, I knew that there was nothing else I could do as I have always wanted to represent the country in the Combined School Games and the recent National Schools Swimming Championship would have been my chance to qualify for the games. I started training extremely hard, to a point where I was at the pool at 5 in the morning and back again after school at 4 in the afternoon for strength as well as water training. The number of times I would turn up could go up to ten times a week. This arduous task went on for four to five months and in between, I still had to make sure that I was keeping up with school curriculum. At the championships, not only did I not qualify for the games, I was also placed 5th, missing out on the podium placing. Although I failed to reach the goal I set out to achieve, I knew that there would be no regrets as I was defeated fighting. â€Å"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. † Although failure may be hard to face, if one doesn’t go down fighting, trying with maximum effort, that could be considered the greatest failure of all time.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Money is extremely relevant in International relations...

Money is extremely relevant in International relations because money makes vast amounts of people and goods go around the world to exchange skills and money respectively. Bonds are the main link between money and the international system, due to the fact that governments spend more than they can raise in tax resulting in them selling bonds to make up for their credit, furthermore bad debts within banks are the reason countries go bankrupt therefore loaning money from other countries hence money influences foreign policy because states are always power seeking. The pursuit of power can without a doubt be related to money and this money can be found if a state associates itself with the economies of other states. The film characterises the†¦show more content†¦The international dimension is also characterized to be dependent on money because national security, which is a result of the international system, of states is dependent on the investment of funds made towards the military. International financial flows influence war and peace, the flows influence peace because bonds save countries from bankruptcy which reduces conflict between countries, but international financial flows influence war more than peace due to the mere fact that bonds finance wars- war would be impossible if there was no money to pay for it. Professor Ferguson states that ‘War is the father of the bond market’ because wars in Europe in the 14th and 15th Century were about bonds. International financial flows can influence war when different communities have different financial ideas which result in conflict, a minor example of this we see in early Venice whereby Jews were shunned upon for borrowing money at an interest rate because Christians did not allow it meanwhile a major example would be the war between communism (East) and capitalism (West) in the late 1900s which influenced other countries throughout the world, The cold war. 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